Greetings fellow horror/suspense peeps! Just a quick note to let you know that I've been working on my second novel, Track Nine. From its original concept, created during a NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in November of 2014, I am currently working on the first revision. Basically, what that means is, I am pretty much re-writing the entire book, taking the good ideas and scenarios from the mad rush to "finish a book in a month". I suspect, like with Badfish, this revision will take the longest. I'm a little over halfway through this process now. Track Nine (which will be the official title), is the story of a couple on their honeymoon. They are returning from Rain, Germany and headed to Bloomington, Illinois, but have managed to become stranded and locked in a non-functioning train station in Rain. (by way of misinterpreting a map). The train station is haunted, which is only the beginning of their problems. Needless to say, without the entire st...