Update on NEW NOVEL!

Hello there!

Just wanted to let everyone know that I've been working hard on the second novel, Track Nine. I am almost to the half way mark on the third revision. It's shaping up to be a pretty good story. Like Badfish, it will be a suspense story with a sprinkling of horror. It will also be about the same length as Badfish. What can I say? I don't write the epics.

As for upcoming dates, I am projecting (and that's a stretch), that I can have the 3rd draft completed by the end of this year. Hopefully, sooner than that. What happens then? Well, then I go chapter by chapter and make any "serious" revisions. That's the fourth revision.

The fifth revision is catching punctuation, spelling, name confusion....all the details.

Then, it will be time for "the editor(s)".... others to look it over and make their commentary.

So, as you can see, creating a book, even a short one, takes a loooong time. Especially if the writer works full-time.

Meanwhile, check out The Grim Seer Society. I post an article once a week. (https://www.thegrimseersociety.com/)  It'll tide you over until the novel comes out :)


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